Urology Questions Urologist

I have a question about the scrotum u/s doppler?

What does it mean? "Multiple tortious cystic appearing spaces seen lateral to the left testis, communication with each other. Maximum wall to wall diameter measures 0.3 mm (normal upto 0.2 mm) showing accentuation of vasuclar flow on color doppler scan during valsalva maneuver and during standing."

Male | 21 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: Stable

3 Answers

From your description of the scrotal US, it seems to be Varicocele. I assume who order the study has explained the finding to you.
That usually is consistent with a varicocele, which is a dilated been typically on the left side. The word cystic does not go along with a varicocele so it’s not completely 100% clear.

Dr. Niko Lailas
It sounds like a very strange way of describing a varicoclele, dilated and tortuous veins. 10% of men have them. more common in taller and thinner men. There is a small chance that they can harm sperm production, and occasionally can be painful. Follow up with the doctor who ordered the test and she should be able to help you better with them. At least that is my read, though its an unclear report.