Psychiatrist Questions Lorazepam

I have been recommended 5mg Lorazapam to fight my anxiety disorder. What are its side effects?

I have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and the doctor has put me on 5mg Lorazapam. What are the possible side effects of this drug? Anything I should be careful of?

7 Answers

Anxiety can be treated in different ways and very successfully. Lorazepam has a lot of side effects, including withdrawals, addiction, and memory problems. It could be recommended for a short time only.
Sometimes, short-term memory problems. It is very dangerous to mix with alcohol. If you are on opioids, it increases the risk of an overdose.
•Lorazepam is a medication for anxiety. It is NOT prescribed as 5mg dose. Check the prescription bottle for the dose and instructions as to how often, and how long to take this medication.
•Do not use alcohol or other drugs
•Do not operate any heavy machinery
•Do not drive if you feel drowsy

See Psychiatrist for
•Therapy for stresses in life causing anxiety
•To understand dose, frequency, precautions, benefits, and side effects of Lorazepam
•Breathing relaxation
•Visual imagery
5 mg is a high dose for lorazepam. I think your doctor gave you diazepam as that is prescribed at a dose of 5 mg. You should discuss the side effects as well as other important medication related information from the prescribing doctor.
5 mg of Lorazepam is quite a high dose. I think it would probably be 0.5 mg that your doctor has prescribed. However, it is not an actual treatment if you have a diagnosis of anxiety. It is just a band aid kind of treatment to be used for breakthrough anxiety attacks or panic attacks. The main side effect is that it causes sedation AND SLOWS DOWN YOUR REFLEXES so it should not be taken before or during driving. The other caveat is that it does cause a dependence and has addiction problems.
5 mg is a pretty high dose of Lorazepam. It could cause sleepiness.