Nephrologist (Kidney Specialist) Questions Nephrologist

I have blood in urine and urinalysis results?

I’m a relatively healthy 36 year old male. I’ve been having dark urine and what seems to be blood in my urine for several days in the past week. I took a urinalysis and urine culture exam that showed the following “out of range”:
Appearance: Cloudy
Occult Blood: 3+
Protein: Trace
RBC: Packed

I experience no physical pain for the time being, and the frequency of dark urine has gone down in the last 2 days. I did go to the ER in Feb 2021 for sharp pains in my lower abdomen, but after blood, urine test, and CT scan everything seemed to look normal other than a small trace of blood in my urine. Should I still be concerned?

Complaint duration: 1 week
Medications: Dextroamphetamine for ADHD, stopped taking since the symptoms
Conditions: None

2 Answers

Blood in the urine is never to be ignored. You should see your primary physician ASAP. You should be referred to a urologist and, if needed, a nephrologist quickly.

Steven A. Burka, MD, FACP, FASN
Seems like you are having on and off gross hematuria. Rather than going to the ER, please see your family physician and he/she should guide you. CT normal, that usually rules out any tumor in the kidney as the cause of blood in the urine, but other etiologies need to be ruled out. Not sure whether you have kidney stones which you have passed before the CT. We have to make sure nothing is going on in the urinary bladder or in the kidney other than tumors. Please see your family physician. (I’m not able to read the urine findings which you sent as it is not clear.)