Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

I have bumps that started on my forehead over a year ago?

I have bumps that started on my forehead over a year ago and have now spread towards my cheeks and chin. I am using clotrimazole antifungal cream. I have used tea tree oil and salicylic acid face wash but still no difference.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: Over a year
Medications: Canesten antifungal cream. Clotrimazolee
Conditions: Fox Fordyce disease

2 Answers

This will need to be seen for a proper dx . It may represent Peri-Oral Dermatitis which requires prescription treatment.

“Bumps” on the forehead is a very generic description that can include acne, milia, folliculitis (bacterial or fungal/yeast), etc. Fox-fordyce disease doesn’t usually affect the forehead and cheeks. Please see your board-certified dermatologist for evaluation and treatment.
Good luck.


Darshan Vaidya, MD, FAAD