Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I have pins and needles in one hand?

I was looking straight up at the stars for maybe 2-3 minutes and my left hand started getting that pins and needles feeling. And I didn't know if that was normal. Also, sometimes I get this dull, but it also feels sharp, pain around the area around and between my thumb and index finger and on the top of my wrist and slightly down my forearm....should I see a physician for either of these?

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: Maybe about a year?
Medications: vyvanse Fluoxitine alprazalam doxipen
Conditions: Mild scoliosis, low vitamin D,

1 Answer

It sounds like you should be evaluated by a Board-Certified Fellowship-Trained Hand surgeon.
I'd be happy to see you.
please call 413-582-2600 to make an appointment.