Endocronologist (Pediatric) Questions

I have some mystery illness for 4-5 months and it will be months before I can get help. I need some insight

4–5 months ago I started having a lot of weird and random issues all at once. For context I’m 17 about to be 18 in Nov and I have never been pregnant and not currently pregnant. I was female at birth and I’m dating someone also female at birth so there’s absolutely no way that I’m pregnant. I’ve also been on the depo shot for over 2 years for endometriosis and cysts. I had problems for the first 4 months and then it went away. I have no periods no symptoms nothing no issues. Anyway 4–5 months ago I started gaining weight, a lot of it very fast. I was 107 pounds and quickly went to 149. My whole body is now covered in bad stretch marks, everywhere. I had changed nothing to my routine or diet so it was very strange. I was told most likely depo but it was strange since it has been years and no symptoms so why all the sudden? Then it got worse my breasts grew triple in size and became very red to the point of turning purple. They were burning and hot and the weirdest part? I was lactating. Not discharge no straight up perfect breast milk. I went to my obgyn and they were confused as well. They checked my prolactin levels and they were extremely high. They thought maybe it was because of my medication. I was on Risperidone which can cause high prolactin issues. However I had been on it for months prior with no symptoms and they said my prolactin was to high for them to believe it was my meds but they wanted to rule it out. I stopped taking it. They also suggested not to wear my binder (I’m trans), wear a sports bra, and to avoid anything stimulating. So I did. 3 months later I’m still having these issues. I also forgot to mention other symptoms started the same time. TMI but diarrhea I haven’t pooped anything normal in the last 4–5 months it’s only been extreme diarrhea for months multiple times a day. I go to shit like 7 times a day. Ibs runs in the family but this was intense and started with all the other problems. Not only that but I had frequent urination too and to make sure I went to the doctor and had no UTI. I also have experienced nausea consistently 24/7 for the 4–5 months. I rarely end up actually puking but it still sucks. I’m extremely tired and fatigued and I have no energy just want to sleep the whole day. I also started randomly wetting the bed? This eventually went away after a few months tho. I’m also super sensitive to hot and cold however I’m always hot to the touch. I’m always running a little higher than normal and if anyone touches me they get scared and freak out because I’m insanely hot. I’ll also have really bad hot flashes randomly. I also was covered in hives for months however it eventually went away but I had done nothing differently to cause it to be from allergies or allergic to smt. I also have been constant headaches. Anyway months later I went back to my obgyn the said they think I have a pituitary tumor. I got an mri but it came back normal. They also felt my breasts and said it’s not breast cancer either. They had no idea what was going on so they referred me to and endocrinologist but that’s 6 months away because we had to cancel the appointment because they booked (not us) the mri at the same time so we weren’t sure what to do and did mri. That was a mistake. My symptoms haven’t stopped so my psychiatrist said she’d help me out but checking my thyroid but it’s a long time until I can see her and get results. Also I’m not sure if this is connected but I started spotting and having cramps again which is strange since I haven’t had that in years. My mom thinks if it’s not thyroid it’s lupus because that runs in the family and she has it.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 4-5 months
Medications: Prozac, Clonidine, Trazodone
Conditions: Just mental health issues like bipolar, bpd, ptsd, anxiety. I have somewhat of a fast heart rate and high blood pressure. I have asthma

2 Answers

Sorry to hear of all these problems. Sounds like you have had reasonable evaluations and with elevated prolactin, could be your meds or could be a hypothalamic or pituitary problem. MRI of pituitary/hypothalamic region would be important as would be other hormone evaluations so getting to see the endocrinologist would be key. If there is some delay with getting such an appointment, just call their office once or twice a week and calmly ask if anybody has cancelled so you can be seen. This happens often and in a busy office they may not automatically fill someone in. Usually this means you can get seen within the week instead of waiting months. Sounds also like a gastroenterology evaluation is also needed and perhaps also neurology for the headaches. Good luck.
You must see an endocrinologist as soon as possible.