Podiatrist Questions Podiatrist

I have swollen feet for the last month?

I have had swollen feet for the last month. The feet are red. The skin is tight and sometimes itchy. It hurts to walk as the skin is tight and doesn't flex. I have been using lotion and some cream to ease the dryness and tightness. I have also been using those leg socks which seem to help somewhat. Some days the feet are also normal and other days they are scary. I now noticed that I have what looks like an abscess on the metatarsals of all my toes. My skin is red and if you push on it is leaves a white imprint for a moment and then goes back to red.

I am allergic to the outdoors, mold, and dust. I do take medications for this. I also suffer from migraines which I have medications for also. I also suffer from Thrombocytosis which I have had for 15+ years and in the beginning had clots in my knees but now I just take a low dose of aspirin daily. The doctors never could figure it out and after many meds and trials and errors, they just said the aspirin would be the best route to go.

Female | 49 years old
Complaint duration: 45 days
Medications: Claritin, Flonase, Low Dose Aspirin
Conditions: Allergies, Thrombocytosis, Migraines

5 Answers

It sounds as if you have been in since efficiency. This improves with compression stockings or Vitas pump. You need to go to your podiatrist to have it evaluated.

Kathy Neuhoff, D. PM
It is possible you have a severe circulatory or cardiac condition that needs immediate attention. It sounds like you either have significant fluid retention, which could come from generalized venous insufficiency, fluid retention, or even Congestive Heart Failure. You need to immediately go to your primary care doctor, cardiologist, or your nearest emergency room for this situation. Alternatively, you could have a severe infection, but it is unlikely both extremities would be affected by something like that at the same time. But either way, you need to seek attention immediately
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I recommend you follow up with your primary care physician to determine the cause of the swelling. If you are unable to see your primary care physician, a visit to the Emergency Department may be warranted, especially since you relate you have had clots in the knees in the past
I would recommend a non invasive peripheral vascular exam that would include an ultrasound, Doppler study, ankle brachial pressure ratios, and plethysmography to screen for arterial or venous blockage or insufficiency before recommending any further treatments. At this point, you need an accurate diagnosis to guide any treatment.

Jan David Tepper, DPM, FACFAS
It should be obvious you need to be evaluated. Is it venous? Arterial? Heart? Fluid retention? See a doctor.