Urologist Questions Testicular Cancer

I have to get an orchiectomy. Can I have an implant inserted immediately? What's the process like for getting an implant?

I just found out I have testicular cancer and I need to get my testicle removed. Is it possible to have an implant done during the orchiectomy surgery? What is the process for getting an implant?

8 Answers

Yes, your urologist can implant at the same surgery.
There are testicular prostheses that you can discuss with your surgeon the possibility to insert one if no contraindication is present.
Depends on why you're getting orchiectomy. If it's infection I wouldn't. If it's cancer I usually like to wait in case the patient needs to have chemo soon and it might impair healing. Some urologists will implant immediately.

Yes, a testicular prosthesis can be put in at the time of radical orchiectomy. I would caution that many patients regret having them put in, due to pain.
100% yes. Unfortunately once you lose one testicle the other testicle will get larger, Hypertrophy, and you may need to upsize a few years from now. I typically put a slightly larger implant to account for this expected growth. The risks are very low. Biggest complaint is that the implant does not move up and down like a normal testicle. That is because it is not attached to a spermatic cord.

Dr. Niko Lailas, Chief of Surgery and Director, Center for Robotic and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Reston Hospital Center
Yes I put prosthesis in 90% of my patients during an orchidectomy
Yes, you can get an implant immediately inserted. Just make sure you talk with your urologist about it in advance so that it is available at the time of your surgery.
Yes should be done if pat request to have it