Dentist Questions

I just got a temporary crown like 15 minutes ago.

Should I not drink a smoothie through a straw or should I be ok I know you shouldn't when you get teeth pulled but I don't know for the temporary crown and everything online says something different.

5 Answers

With a temporary crown, your daily routines are the same. Just be gentle when brushing and flossing. Also, avoid sticky and /or hard foods.
You can drink smoothies through straw after placing temporary crown.
You can use straw when you have temporary crown
After temporary crown, avoid hard, sticky, crunchy foods like popcorn, nuts and chewing gum. Be careful while flossing, gently pull the floss through. Drinking with a straw is ok.
Well-made temporaries can last months. No nuts, chicken on the bone, sticky foods such as taffy, etc. D. Gordon Rye, DDS LVIM, MAGD, MADIA, UVA GPR, AGDLSR, Past LVI Clinical Instructor