Urologist Questions Urologist

I'm frequently urinating?

I've been frequently urinating for the last few days. I'm 22 years old and I weigh around 195 pounds. I work at the shop so I stay active for at least 1-2 hours a day, I do eat junk food every day such as fast food, maybe like a month ago I checked my blood sugar and it was normal. About an hour before I had a Starbucks drink but my blood sugar was still normal, I'm worried if maybe I somehow developed diabetes or prediabetes but don't want to get worried I need help.

Male | 22 years old

3 Answers

Not enough information
How much do you drink?
Is the urination a large or small amount?
If the sugar is normal and your tests are accurate then you don’t have a glucose problem.
What glucose readings do you have?
What color is your urine, light or dark?

There is some missing information which would to answer your question. How much fluid do you drink, more fluid, more urine? What color is your urine? Clear, yellow, in between? Do you wake up st night to urinate, once or more often? Is someone in your family or circle of friends diabetic? How do you have access to testing material? A family history of diabetes can increase your risk.

Perhaps a visit to a family doctor or internist would be a good idea. A test can be ordered to look at your average blood sugar over a month or so, and can add more information.

Cynthia Point, MD
To determine the cause of your frequent urinating, you should see a health care provider and have some tests done.  You should have a blood and urine test done, at a minimum.  The blood test should be done when you are fasting.  Diabetes is not the only condition that makes you urinate a lot, but it's good that you are thinking about it.  While you are at it, you know that your diet could be improved.  Try to eat less junk food and focus on fruits and vegetables in your diet.  But, avoid oranges until you find out whether or not you have diabetes.