“I smell a fecal smell for no apparent reason?”
I drank some contaminated water some months back. A few days later, I noticed I smell like poop. I could smell it, and some people pointed it out. Others went on to show reactions and to gossip. People cough in my presence and give me weird looks and stares. I've lost respect from everyone. I noticed after a while that my body odor began to grow very foul and is very strong. Even after I shower, I smell like I've pooped myself. My urine and stool smell too strong. My breath smells very bad even after I brush it multiple times a day, and it can be smelled from some meters away. Over the course of the months, the smells have only gotten more severe. What can I do to return to normal? Could it be that I have a parasite? If so, what can I do to get rid of it?