Cardiologist Questions Irregular heart rate

Irregular heart rate

There is some pain in my chest, my left arm hurt, I have difficulty breathing, dizzy, vision become blurry, tired, pain upper left part of my back

Saturday lowest heart beat was 72 highest was 161 blood pressure lowest was 113/68 highest was 144/82

Sunday lowest was 69 highest was 173blood pressure lowest was 108/68 highest was 144/82

Monday lowest was 63 highest 156
blood pressure lowest was 102/68 highest was 143/82

Tuesday lowest was 59 highest was 129
blood pressure lowest was 103/64 highest was 144/82

Wednesday lowest was 68 highest 173blood pressure lowest was 107/68 highest was 143/82

Thursday lowest heart rate was 71 highest was 162 blood pressure lowest was 111/68 highest was 144/82

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 2 months
Medications: N/A
Conditions: N/A

3 Answers

Yes, you have many symptoms for which there may or may not be a cardiac cause. Most persons have some "irregular" heart beats.
Please note you must see a cardiologist as soon as possible. If your chest pain is unrelenting and continues, then you need to go to the nearest Emergency room.
You seem very anxious. Taking your blood pressure so often will make you more anxious. Anxiety can cause a lot of your symptoms and blood pressure and heart rate findings. You will have to see a doctor and make sure there is nothing wrong more than anxiety. If not, then you will have to deal with what makes you so anxious. I have one caveat. Your medical history as reported here is very limited so I may have missed something important. That is why you have to see a thorough compassionate knowledgeable doctor.