Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Is Lasik better than glasses?

I am a 22 year old male. I want to know if Lasik is better than glasses?

6 Answers

Typically yes. Most of my patients see better after Lasik than with their best glasses or contact lenses.
In most cases, yes, because the vision is not limited to the frames of the glasses and there is no distortion introduced by the glass optics. But it has to be done safely with a cornea specialist LASIK surgeon.
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It is not a medical issue but a cosmetic issue. Lastly, Lasik is a permanent solution that can no longer be adjustable. Glasses are temporary. Cataract surgery is the same way but only performed when necessary.

I don't know what you mean by better. If you mean clearer vision without having to wear glasses or contact lenses, then the vision after Lasik is better than your vision without glasses. Lasik cannot make you see more than your vision best corrected with glasses or contact lenses, it allows you to see your best vision without needing glasses. There are limits to how much nearsighted, farsighted, and or astigmatism can be corrected with Lasik.
Better if you want to be glasses free and not wearing contacts.