Pediatrician Questions White Blood Count

Is a WBC count of 4,500 in a 3 year old concerning?

My 3 year old daughter has the flu, and we had some tests done. The blood test report indicated a WBC of 4,500. The doctor said it is fine, but I feel nervous. Should I be concerned?

3 Answers

This is very normal WBC. Sometimes the white blood cell count goes down significantly with viral infections, but it goes back up again when the illness is gone!
Your doctor is right, it may not be concerning. However, the average count for WBC in 2- to 6-year age group would be 8.5 (ranging from 5 to 15.5). Your son's WBC is close to 5. However, repeating it would be a good idea.

I hope this helps.
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No, this is evidence of a viral infection but she is not below 1500 which can mean she is not fighting the infection. Many viruses will take the WBC this low or lower. If she is still acting ok just watch for now.