“Is a dental implant better than a bridge?”
I want to replace a missing tooth. Is a dental implant better than a bridge?
7 Answers
This is a great question. In most instances the implant is a better option. Again it depends on the dental scenario.
Implants are great replacement options because they are independent, making it a great conservative option. However, bone density, health, home care are just some of the considerations that are taken into account if a patient is a good candidate for implant.
Please listen in on our podcast “Mouth Mechanics” for additional information on this topic and other dental topics.
This is a great question. In most instances the implant is a better option. Again it depends on the dental scenario.
Implants are great replacement options because they are independent, making it a great conservative option. However, bone density, health, home care are just some of the considerations that are taken into account if a patient is a good candidate for implant.
Please listen in on our podcast “Mouth Mechanics” for additional information on this topic and other dental topics.
Yes, an Implant is best. Preserves surrounding bone does not decay, surrounding teeth are not altered, easy to floss.
The answer to that depends on the patient based on the conditions of their teeth to be part of the bridge.Like the space to be covered, the conditions of the bone and how fast they want to replace the missing teeth.For example a patient who does need crown on the teeth next to the missing tooth and wants to get the missing tooth replace as soon as possible maybe the best option will be doing bridge since the teeth next to the space need crowns anyway vs a patient whose teeth next to the missing tooth are in good condition and have the right space and bone for dental implants then implant will be the best treatment option.At the end all the treatment options should be presented to the patient and will decide based on their situation.
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95% of the time the answer is YES! There are many factors that would steer me away from choosing a bridge over an implant. 1) Are the teeth on either side virgin? Meaning do they have a crown already there. IF No-Implant. 2) Are either one or both of the supporting teeth have a root canal? IF yes- implant. 3) Do you have significant autoimmune disease, uncontrolled diabetic, or smoker? IF yes- Bridge. Financially the two are similar. Just know that all dental work doesn’t last forever, but will last long based on your health and the care towards it!