Family Medicine Questions Family Practitioner

Is a physical exam done with pants and underwear off completely?

Symptom 1: Low back pain 4/10 with no fever at all. Symptom 2: I feel like I have a little congestion in my nose. A hard area on the low left side of my tummy. No abdominal pain when I palpated. I am currently taking Concerta 36 MG 1 pill every morning and I take it for ADHD. June of this year I had my covid-19 shot. The treatments I had over the years were, at age 19 I had a digital rectal exam and I also had an enema done. I have a history of cancer in both my mom's family and my dad's family. I was homesick for 3 days. And the last time I had a physical exam was 2 years ago. I do need a testicles exam because sometimes my testicles get itchy.

Male | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day / 6 months / 2 years
Medications: Concerta 36 mg 1 pill
Conditions: bowel blockage

2 Answers

Does not need to be fully naked. Check movement, tender spots, and consider radiology and, if necessary, CST.
There are certainly discrete ways of performing a physical examination.
Thanks for the question.