“Is acupuncture good for allergic rhinitis?”
I have allergic rhinitis and want to treat it. Is acupuncture good for allergic rhinitis?
14 Answers
I have used acupuncture for allergic rhinitis with success. It's important for the patient to know what they are reacting to so they can avoid it if possible.
Hi. Great question: acupuncture is excellent for allergic rhinitis and so much more! Please call if youd like more info specific to your needs. Happy spring! Dr. Jennifer Botwick, ND
Yes acupuncture and Chinese herbs can be very helpful relieving symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Along with some minor dietary changes, patients can experience relief from seasonal allergies.
Lejla Fazlicic
It may help you to improve your symptoms.
Dr. Leila
Dr. Leila
Yes, and very effective.
Read here: https://philaacupuncture.com/natural-treatment-for-allergies/
and here: https://philaholisticclinic.com/treatment-for-seasonal-allergy/
Read here: https://philaacupuncture.com/natural-treatment-for-allergies/
and here: https://philaholisticclinic.com/treatment-for-seasonal-allergy/
Acupuncture can help with allergic rhinitis, though your practitioner may also want to give you some herbal formulas and/or perhaps some dietary suggestions, as well.