“Is acupuncture good for gastritis?”
I have gastritis and want to treat it. Is acupuncture good for gastritis?
26 Answers
Yes all digestive disorders Ive seen in the clinic, such as gastritis have amazing results with consistent acupuncture and herbal formulas.
Hi There! Yes, Acupuncture is great to resolve digestive issues, like gastritis and other. Hope you give it a shot! Best regards, Melissa Pulicicchio
Yes! There may be many conditions causing gastritis but acupuncture can address all of them. Usually acupuncture alone will be beneficial, but some conditions may need the help of herbal supplementation. Definitely check with your primary to see if they would concur alternative medicine would be a possible option. - Live Happy, Michael
The answer is yes I can be very helpful with gastritis, sometimes needs to be accompanied by Chinese herbology sometimes acupuncture alone is enough to help quiet that inflammation. It depending on the individual.
With Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), in which acupuncture is only one of the modalities we use, can treat almost everything that Western Medicine treats. For emergencies or life threatening conditions I suggest Western medicine first then TCM for recovery. So, the sort answer is yes. The long answer is that in TCM we look at the whole person and treat the underlying cause and not just the symptoms. Why do you have gastritis? Is it diet, emotions, lifestyle, or other causes. You may need to change your diet, lifestyle, or work on emotions, etc. For the treatment you may also need herbs as well as acupuncture. I give all my patients microcurrent with their treatment, sacred music, and sometimes essential oils. Each acupuncturist uses a mis of tools depending on the diagnosis and the underlying cause of the problem.
Yes. The Asian medicine system treats all different types of diseases more effectively than biomedicine or Western medicine. Acupuncture is one part of the medical system. Herbal formulas made for you specifically may be necessary to bring you back=20 into balance. Also your history of antibiotic usage may play a part, and other remedies would be used to heal your gut and restore your flora. Al Thieme, LAc, MAOM, MSEE Alfred Thieme, LAc Alchemy Functional Medicine alchemy-medicine.com 503-481-0283
Yes, acupuncture can help with the symptoms of gastritis. The best results will be seen when appropriate diet changes are also made. Richard Mandell, Lic.Ac. Licensed Acupuncturist Brookline Community Acupuncture www.brooklinecommunityacupuncture.com

Mr. Anthony James Lorenzo
Usually, yes.
Change your diet to an organic, non-GMO, low gluten MIND diet. Acupuncture with Moxibustion should help. Start counseling to minimize stress.
Acupuncture and herbs can be very beneficial for gastritis. You might also try taking probiotics and food enzymes. If the problem persists, I would recommend getting tested for food allergies, as well.
Lejla Fazlicic
Yes, it is. Acupuncture can address the underlying problems and improve symptoms.
No, if you've been diagnosed with gastritis on endoscopy, you should limit caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, spicy and acidic foods, and be tested for H, Pylori. If symptoms do not resolve, you'll need to be on an acid-reducing medication.
Acupuncture, herbs and sometimes massage can treat and relieve your gastritis gradually; it will take you between 3 to 6 months to rid of this!