Radiologist Questions Mri

Is an MRI scan painful?

I am scheduled to get an MRI scan done but I am scared since I am doing this for the first time. Is this scan painful?

12 Answers

MRI scanning is not painful. You will need to lie down on a table. You will hear some clicking noises, but will not feel anything. If your doctor orders an MRI with contrast, then you may need to have an IV put in, which, of course, causes some pain in the skin. Usually, a scan with contrast is only ordered if there is concern for tumor or infection.
MRI scans are not painful. You may need contrast which will require a small needle poke. You may become claustrophobic or uncomfortable if you are on the plump side because the tunnel of the MRI scanner is not spacious and you will be in close quarters. I am thin and do not like it very much when I go inside the tunnel for an MRI scan myself.
No. MRI scan is not painful by itself. It can be anxiety provoking, especially if you are claustrophobic, because you must be placed inside the machine and it is noisy.
The scan itself is not painful at all. There are some loud noises. If you are having IV constraint, you will need an IV, which you feel a little pinch when they place the IV.
No, but it is loud, and if you have claustrophobia, it will not be pleasant for you as the tube is tight. Your technologist will provide you with ear protection but know in advance it is not a quiet procedure. Best of luck!

No, it is not painful. You lay on your back on a table and a large machine acquires pictures of your body.


Dr. Cox
MRI scans are not painful.
It's not painful at all. It is, however, very loud. Most places offer noise canceling headsets +/- relaxing music. Some people can find the narrow bore of the MRI magnet claustrophobic. In these instances, it is recommended to take a relaxing agent such as Valium prior to the scan, the duration of which can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour depending on what is being imaged. If a sedative is given, then you would need to make sure you use taxi/public transportation or have someone to drive you home.
Not at all.