Family Practitioner Questions Asthma

Is asthma hereditary?

My grandfather had asthma (pretty severe). My mom doesn't have it. I'm concerned I might get it, or that my kids will suffer as much as my grandfather did. How can I prevent it from happening? Or is it hereditary?

14 Answers

asthma is a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. Do not smoke try to avoid getting RSV virus early (before a year of age ). If they get a chronic cough get it checked.
Asthma can be hereditary or acquired. You can minimise (but not completely eliminate) risk of asthma by eating clean/fresh unprocessed food, exercising regularly and using natural products in your day-to-day life.
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Some forms of asthma are hereditary, some are acquired (non-hereditary). If you can identify multiple family members with asthma, can postulate hereditary factors. However, in many cases of asthma, there is a genetic component (hereditary) of predisposition and an environmental (acquired) component.
There is some hereditary component to the disease.
Asthma CAN be hereditary. The fact that is has skipped a generation in your family is a good sign. Sometimes asthma can come on in response to something in the environment such as dust, pet dander, cold air outside in the winter or a viral chest infection. If it only comes on with triggers, the condition is called reactive airways disease. Avoiding the triggers or using allergy treatments can prevent reactive airway disease.

All in all, I think that the prognosis for you and your family is very good.
Some form of asthma can be hereditary. There is nothing to prevent other than staying away from smoking and dust.
Asthma can be hereditary. We often see it running in families. There are probably a multitude of things such as viral infections, early childhood exposures, environment and genetics that play a role in the development of allergies and asthma. As of right now, we cannot prevent the formation of asthma, but there are effective treatments.
While we do not know the direct genetic link, the answer to your question is that yes, asthma has a definite hereditary component, so there is some increased risk that you or your children will develop it, if what your grandfather had was truly asthma and not emphysema/COPD. You cannot do anything to change your genetics and change that risk. You can of course avoid tobacco products and not add on the risk of emphysema or COPD, which I certainly would encourage you to do. The fact that your mom did not have it and you have not yet developed it is encouraging, so focus on that positive factor and try not to worry about the part you can't control. I hope that was helpful.
Asthma does have an hereditary component. You can't do much about that. About the best you can do to prevent asthma at this time, is to avoid exposure to environmental smoke.
Asthma is in part genetic, but there are many factors that contribute to developing asthma. There is no way to prevent it for sure and no way of knowing if your children or yourself will develop it. Breastfeeding has been shown to be protective and studies have shown that avoiding smokers can also be protective.
Yes, asthma can be hereditary, but there is no way to predict if your child or you will get it. You can develop asthma at any age. To minimize your risk, avoid smoking and passive smoking. The good news is that there are a lot of better treatments for asthma now than we had for your grandfather.
It does run in families. there is no way to know who will have it or a way to prevent it. Avoid smoking yourself and avoid others from smoking around you and the children.
Asthma has an important genetic component but without a well-defined hereditary pat- tern, with heritability rates from 36 to 79%. In addition to risk to develop the disease, inheritance is implied to regulate its expression and severity. Asthma is a polygenic disease, multiple genes (more than 100) have been related to the expression of the disease in association with allergies, this in relation to the interaction these genes present with each other and with the environment. The most important environmental factors that condition an increase in the expression of these genetic alterations are: Fungal infections or exposure to proteases of some exoparasites (mites), exposure to allergens as well as irritant contaminants such as tobacco or suspended particles such as monoxide de carbon, other factors such as obesity, deficiency of immunoglobulins (type A), even the working environment can trigger allergic (allergic) or non-allergic asthma. The genotype or genetic structure that increases the risk of asthma is not modifiable, but the genes involved interact and generate a response to the risk factors commented on, so avoiding these decreases the possibility of suffering from the disease or even decreases the possibility of an earlier expression or of greater gravity, influencing positively in the symptoms control.
I hope to have resolved your doubt, greetings from Mexico.