Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

Is bleeding normal 2 days after implant surgery?

I had implant surgery 2 days ago. It is still bleeding. Is bleeding normal 2 days after implant surgery?

3 Answers

Thank you for asking the questions! Depending on the extends of your dental implant surgery ( for example, how many tooth / teeth is / are being removed ? Is the patient need bone grafting on the same visit where the implant is placed at the same time? How many implant(s) did you received on the day of the surgery. Were you taking any blood thinner medications? Di you follow the post-operative instructions prpperly? and etc.) It is NOT uncommon and not unsual to have a small amount of oozing, or bleeding 2 days after the implant surgery. The important things you need to do are (i) make sure you do not take any blood thinning medications two days before and two days after the surgery. Do NOT perform any exercise. DO NOT use straw to drink. DO NOT smoke. DO NOT use any mouthwash that conatins alcohol. DO NOT brush the surgical area. DO NOT spit.Other the other hands, please-DO keep the gauze in the surgical site and maintain heavy pressure, which will stop bleeding in 2-4 hours for most people. Change the gauze once every hour.-Take some calcium suppliment ( about 400mg daily), which promote bone fromation. -Do take Vitamin B complex and Vitamine C, which promote blood capilary walls formation abd healing.- Have you tried to placea wet tea bag over the surgical site and apply pressure onto it. Tea has ingredient that also helps to promote clotting. If you ahve tried all of the above methods and you still have bleeding, I would suggest that you call your dental surgeon right away and let him/her take a look at it ASAP. I hope that it will answer your quetions! God bless you! Dr. Chin
This is normal. A small amount of oozing blood is nothing to worry about. However, this should mostly be resolved after 48 hours. After this time, you should experience no serious bleeding.
yes blood is good, helps healing