Preventative Medicine Specialist Questions Water

Is filtered water really a big deal?

I've heard of some people using a filtering shower head to filter their shower water as to not bathe in unfiltered water. In the US, is this really necessary?

4 Answers

Absolutely it is! With all of the toxic additives in our water here in the US, it is just as important for us to filter our bathing and drinking water as any other location. And the reasons go beyond the important tasks of removing chemicals. Filtered water has a more neutral taste, which tends to increase consumption - very important as even low levels of dehydration can be detrimental to ones health. With toxins, the dose makes a poison. So even if you are able to choke down chlorinated water (ours often smells stronger than the pool at the YMCA), then the amount you consume over the course of a day, week, month, etc is well beyond tested limits. And the safe limits of these chemicals isnt even known as they arent tested together or in long term use. For showers as such, we know that we can absorb chemicals through our skin. Ive seen several clients have various rashes and dryness clear up simply with a good shower filter. The main concern with quality filtration I see is a need to add various minerals back into your drinking water. And this shortcoming is easy to overcome and often a first part of the wellness routines I recommend to all of my clients. Sheri Brinkmeyer, MHS Functional Wellness Consultant Symptoms are your body's way of talking to you...are you listening? Schedule a free Health Strategy Call <> to see if functional medicine is YOUR next step in your healing journey!
In my opinion, filtered water is more for taste preference. Tap water is required to meet certain level of safety for drinking. Hope that helps.
No, this should have no health effects. Filtered water will remove sediments from your water that may prevent corrosion in your house's pipes and allow you to use less soap, but showering or bathing in it is not harmful to your health.
I don't think you need to use filtered water in most cases, but when there is water contamination and it is documented, you need to make sure that precautions are taken.