Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Is hypothyroidism in children curable?

My daughter was diagnosed with hypothyroidism. Is it serious? Is hypothyroidism in children curable?

3 Answers

It depends on the cause. Hypothyroidism in children has many causes. Only few of them are curable (i.e. function of the thyroid gland returns to normal and stays normal without medication after the cause is identified and treated). Although most causes of hypothyroidism cannot be cured, the disease is very easily treatable by thyroid hormone supplements.

Thank you and have a great day.

Igor H.
Usually hypothyroidism in children's is cause by an autoimmune condition. It is usually not curable but we have good medications for that. Replacement with levothyroxine (thyroid hormone) should be enough and that will not affect the life of your kid. She will have to take the pill every day. It is not serious and the replacement of the hormone as pill should be giving. This is the majority of the cases. There are other cases that are minority that need to have more monitoring but that is rare.
It depends on what is the cause of the hypothyroidism. For example, if the cause is iodine deficiency, the use of Iodized salt may be the solution.