Dentist Questions Dentist

Is ibuprofen good for toothache?

I have a toothache and want to treat it. Is ibuprofen good for toothache?

8 Answers

Ibuprofen can be effective for toothache as it reduces pain and inflammation, but it's important to follow the dosage instructions and consult a dentist for the underlying cause of the pain.
Ibuprofen can help with reducing the pain from a toothache. It will not do anything to cure the problem.
Advil combined with Tylenol is what I recommend to my patients to take for dental pain provided the are not allergic. Ultimately, you need to see a dentist and allow them to propery diagnose your problem and come up with a treatment plan to treat the problem.
Please contact your Dentist to find the cause of the tooth ache. Ibuprofen can help with pain and inflammation if you are not allergic or sensitive to it. The cause will determine what other treatment is needed
Ibuprofen helps decrease inflammation associated with tooth and gum pain but the tooth should be treated by a dentist ASAP.
Yes, Ibuprofen is a great analgesic and anti-inflammatory that is very effective for dental pain. For extreme pain it can be taken simultaneously with Tylenol, you can take 400mg of Ibuprofen with 500mg Tylenol every 4-6 hours as needed.
Ibuprofen with or without "Tylenol" is very good for easing the pain of a toothache. However, I strongly suggest you see a dentist and find out the cause of the toothache and have that taken care of. Otherwise, you could possibly end up with an infection, or worse.
Pain. Medication like Tylenol or ibuprofen will relieve minor toothache will not cure it. You must see your personal dentist to determine the cause.