Dermapathologist Questions Dermapathologist

Is it a cyst?

Symptom: itchy, hot, round ball near the groin, looks white under the skin.
History: smaller cysts near the tailbone were about a yearly occurrence for some time.
Medical treatment: none so far. Considering a numbing agent.

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: About 3 days
Medications: None
Conditions: PCOS

2 Answers

It could be a cyst, but it might also be an ingrown hair, abscess, or infected gland. Since you have a history of cysts, it’s possible this is another one.

What You Can Do
Apply a warm compress (10–15 minutes, a few times a day) to reduce swelling.
Keep the area clean and dry.
Avoid squeezing or poking it, as this can cause infection.
Use pain relief (like ibuprofen) if needed.
If it gets bigger, more painful, or red, or if you get a fever, see a dermatologist.

Need expert advice? Book an appointment at Irvine Skin
It is possible you have pilonidal cyst disease, hidradenitis suppurativa, and PCOS - they are common to have concurrently. Please see a board certified dermatologist as they can help you greatly and help you improve your health and quality of life. Best, Dr. Contestable
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