Oncologist Questions Breast Cancer

Is it necessary to remove the entire breast in case of cancer?

I am a 45 year old woman and I have been detected with early breast cancer. However since the disease is spreading soon, according to the doctor my breasts will have to be removed. Is it necessary that the entire breasts will have to be removed or can only the affected part be successfully removed?

2 Answers


I am so sorry for your diagnosis at such an early age. This tumor is curable. Based on your young age and the chance that you might have multifocal disease, I recommend you undergo a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and axillary sentinel biopsy at the side of the known cancer. This is the way I treat all my patients younger than 65 years old. I have had more than 100 patients treated with this methodology in the last 3 years. Feel free to contact me if you have more questions. I will be glad to answer them.

Massimo Arcerito, MD, FACS
It depends on how much of the breast is affected with the cancer. If more than one quadrant is affected, you will need a mastectomy.