“Is it normal to be tired a week after general anesthesia?”
I had surgery under general anesthesia a week ago. I still feel tired. Is it normal to be tired a week after general anesthesia?
3 Answers
No. You are tired from the surgery and the body's stress response to it. Depending on the extent of the surgery, it may take a few weeks.
The likelihood is, you feel tired because of the surgery not the anesthesia. Any kind of trauma, even surgery, has metabolic cost. That metabolic cost can be experienced as fatigue and lassitude. The duration of that feeling depends on how much trauma the surgery caused. In addition, taking prescription pain meds, such as Percocet, Vicodin, or Norco, can contribute to the feeling of tiredness and fatigue.
Jay R. Shayevitz, MD MS
Jay R. Shayevitz, MD MS