“Is it safe to get anesthesia with diabetes?”
I have diabetes type 2 and will have surgery under anesthesia. Is it safe to get anesthesia with diabetes?
4 Answers
Usually, before surgery, you should have an appointment or conversation with the anesthesiologist to evaluate all the potential risks of having anesthesia.
As long as your glucose level is stable and within normal limits, there are no problems. If your glucose levels would be pretty high, the surgical outcome may increase the risk of infection postop.
Yes it is safe for diabetics to get anesthesia. There are several extra considerations for diabetics but as as long as these are taken into account anesthesia is safe.
Many people with diabetes have anesthesia safely. It’s important that you be as well controlled as can be and that you go over which medications to not take the am of surgery and if on insulin how to manage it the day of surgery. Often anesthesia will advice on this but may ask for input from your endocrinologist if the surgery is complex. Your glucose will be checked upon arrival to pre op. If your surgery is late in the day you will be given further instructions on checking you glucose at home. Typically patients with diabetes are done earlier in the day Glucose levels can safely managed under anesthesia