Hematologist-Oncologist Questions Leukemia

Is leukemia curable?

Leukemia runs in my father's side of the family. Given any recent medical advancements, has leukemia become more easily treatable?

5 Answers

It may be curable. Familial acute myeloid leukemia is a rare disease.
As I mentioned in previous questions, leukemia is curable with bone marrow transplant at this time. There is good evidence regarding the use of CAR-T cell in leukemia with good outcomes. Unfortunately, these outcomes are relatively new and we do not know if cure is for long-term for short term. At this time, chemotherapy followed by bone marrow transplant is the best option to cure it,
Acute leukemia’s have the potential of cure. Chronic leukemia in general has very effective therapies which can cure or place patient’s in long term remissions. However, at times leukemia’s can be refractory to treatment and fatal.
No cancer is easily treatable, however advancements in drug development and utilization have made treating certain cancers effective rendering them curable.
Treatable depending upon the subtype.