“Is lithium safe for people with bipolar disorder?”
I am a 39 year old female. I want to know is lithium safe for people with bipolar disorder?
4 Answers
Lithium has some really good news and some really important caveats. You should be sure you're working with a physician skilled in its use who can keep your dose at the right level. Sometimes low-dose lithium is all you need, but most folks require a therapeutic blood level, 0.6 to 1.2 milliequivalents per liter (sorry, that's how it's measured). When properly used, most people find the lithium is highly effective in keeping their moods under control. Overall, it's usually more effective and less risky with fewer side effects than alternative medications for bipolar disorder. But the risk of lithium toxicity is real: levels over 2.0 can make you ill, and much higher levels can be dangerous or even fatal. If you get really dehydrated (too much time in hot weather without drinking enough fluids), that itself can make you toxic. Lithium often interferes with thyroid function, and it's common to require thyroid medication after you've taken lithium for a while. There can be interactions with other medications, especially non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like Aleve and Advil, which you must avoid.