Dentist Questions Dental Health

Is the fluoride treatment at the dentist really worth it?

After each dental cleaning, my dentist tries to sell me on a fluoride treatment that costs $25. Should I just do it? Is it the same thing as rinsing with a fluoride rinse at home? (I use ACT)

30 Answers

Fluoride varnish (that is what I am assuming your dentist is talking about) is something that is meant to stay on your teeth for a while to give you full effect. Fluoride treatment helps with remineralization of teeth and makes them less cavity prone, but if you are using ACT every day, you may not necessarily need extra. Too much fluoride can also be toxic.
Yes, you should take advantage of the in office professional fluoride treatment. Most dentists are now using the varnish just like for children which incorporates over 6 hours you can eat and drink. It comes off when you brush before bed. It provides an extra benefit of fluoride over about a 3 month period preventing decay. The professional rinse is more effective than the home rinse as well and is worth the investment. It is not the same as the home rinse. The home rinse can act as an added replenisher that is beneficial as well if you chose to use it in addition. Dr. Grimm
I would recommend getting a fluoride treatment after your cleaning. When you get your teeth scaled at a cleaning appointment, the protective enamel layer on the root surface sometimes gets disturbed. Applying fluoride right after the cleaning helps to re-harden this layer. The concentration you would get at the dental office would probably be a lot more than what you would get over the counter. I am not sure what ACT has.
Fluoride helps the enamel become stronger due to its regenerating ingredients. I would let your dentist know you do already use ACT mouthwash and maybe the fluoride treatment can be minimized to every other professional cleaning you have done.

Lara Bacchelli
Yes, it is worth it to get twice a year, especially for caries high risk patients. 
It absolutely is worth it! Fluoride treatments at the dentist office are
more concentrated than ACT - and the best time to get this treatment is
immediately after a dental cleaning! These fluoride treatments are
excellent for minimizing your risk for cavities in the future!
The fluoride in your dentist's office is much more effective than over the counter rinses. Yes it is worth it.

If you know anyone who owns an in ground pool you might know that in addition to the constant chlorine being added to the water daily the owner needs to "shock" the pool occasionally with a much higher amount of chlorine. Think of your fluoride treatment in much this manner. The dentist is using a prescription strength dose of fluoride to help the rapid uptake of fluoride by the teeth to help prevent future decay. An ounce of prevention....
Yes, Fluoride treatments received at your dentists office are crucial for children up until the 14th Birthday, assuming that children visit the dentist every 6 months. Fluoride accumulates in the teeth and has a sustained benefit of fighting dental caries. We also recommend Fluoride for patients with non lingering hypersensitivity to hot and cold. We also recommend Fluoride for patients who are on the process of bleaching their teeth
The chemistry in your dental office applied treatment is different than an at home rinse. It is definitely worth it and the cost of prevention far worth it compared to the cost of disease. I have worked in different cities somd with fluoride and some without anc the benifits of fluoride are clearly evident. Especially now with so much bottled water being consumed we will see an increase in dental decay if we havent already.
ACT certainly helps. In-office fluoride is a stronger concentration and is supposed to last longer on your teeth, although certainly not from one cleaning appointment to the next. The need for in-office treatment depends on several factors which include: Do you have a lot of cavities? Have you had a lot of dental work done, that perhaps your dentist doesn't want you to get cavities next to? (In which case be sure to floss nightly, too!), Do you have a dry mouth? People with dry mouths tend to develop more cavities, especially along the gumline. BTW, there are more than 1600 different medications that will cause a dry mouth. Best thing to do is to discuss this with your dentist.
Fluoride treatments are toxic and are a scam. Do not get the treatment. Fluoride is a neurotoxin and is harmful to your body. Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.
If dentist insists, RUN OUT OF OFFICE.
If you are at high caries risk, Fluoride treatment definitely helps preventing cavities. It is way more effective and concentrated than ACT.
This an excellent preventive measure, unfortunately most insurance companies don't cover the treatment if your over a certain age. It costs much less to prevent dental caries and your oral hygiene habits also play a big role in good dental health.
Using a home rinse such as ACT will give you a little benefit of fluoride but ACT is basically a surfactant,( a soap to reduce the surface tension) allowing you to clean the plaque off easier. It does have some fluoride in it.
Office fluoride treatments are stronger. The fluoride increases the strength of the tooth to resist decay. It will help to protect your teeth and the dental work you have invested in. It will also help to decrease tooth sensitivity.
Yes, both for children and older adults.
YES! Fluoride treatments at the dentist are absolutely worth it. For both Adults and Children, Fluoride not only helps prevent cavities but also reduces any sensitivity and acts as a barrier to any bacteria from growing. The best time it can be used is right after the cleaning which allows better application and absorption by your teeth.
The fluoride treatment at the dental office has a higher fluoride concentration than ACT and tends to help desensitize teeth. It also soaks into small hairline cracks in teeth to help protect them. If you need a dentist, call the office of Dr. Brad Emery, Dr. Nicholas Emery and Dr. Carol Scuro, at 585-247-7110. Or check out our website at
there is a difference in over the counter fluoride and prescription strength. Fluoride helps prevent decay and sensitivity . I personally receive the treatments when i have my teeth cleaned
The fluoride treatment following the cleaning is the most effective topical fluoride treatment you can get because the root and crown surface are clean and there is not a plaque barrier to inhibit the fluoride from reacting to the tooth.
As long as you're brushing properly flossing with good technique and using any topical fluoride as a rinse you're also getting fluoridation in your local water supply most likely unless you have well water. I would say you're safe and just refuse to have the fluoride applied.
The fluoride treatment is definitely worth it. The in-office treatment after your cleaning applies a stronger than over the counter fluoride to coat your teeth right after they have been professionally cleaned and that gives you a very effective anti-cavity treatment. The home fluoride rinses only work well if you have thoroughly brushed and carefully flossed your teeth.
Yes Fluoride is our best protection for enamel dimineralization as we consume so many acidic foods-
Did you know many brands of bottle water have a ph of 4 or even less very acidic for our enamel. The fluoride at the dentist office is a varnish applied more concentrated than your home products and when applied right after a cleaning is most effective to help prevent tooth decay. Also using daily fluoridated toothpaste and if you are at high risk of dental decay, prescription strength Fluoride tooth paste at 5000ppm is recommended.
If you are cavity prone, I would say it's worth it. But if you rarely get a cavity, otc fluoride can be useful enough with the combination of your good homecare. They are not the same thing however, the in-office fluoride is much stronger than the otc rinses such as ACT.
Fluoride is very useful and if you have it every 6 months to a year, that's good. You should also practise good oral hygiene.
If you have many restorations in your mouth or any decalcified enamel in your teeth or dry mouth syndrome, the fluoride treatment is all worth it.
Dear patient, Fluoride treatment helps patients for prevention of decay and sensitivity! I am one of those dentists that highly recommends fluoride treatment in my own office for all ages. Fluoride treatment is even more beneficial for people with acid reflux, sleep apnea, diabetes...I highly recommend to get your fluoride treatment done.
The in-office fluoride treatment has a higher concentration of fluoride and should only be done once every 6 months after the dentist has properly evaluated the condition of your oral cavity. Not everyone will benefit from the fluoride treatment, but if recommended, you should get it done as you are in need of the treatment.
The fluoride we use in the office is a prescription strength. It is better than OTC rinses. Having said that, we usually only prescribe this for children. We do recommend extra fluoride for any adult who has had more than one cavity in the last two years. If you have no cavities and you are an adult, then I do not recommend it in my office.