Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Is there a surgery to eliminate reading glasses?

I wear reading glasses and I am tired of them. Is there a surgery to eliminate reading glasses?

3 Answers

Kind of, but not really. There isn't a LASIK vision correction available for near vision; because near vision to an extent comes from the lens inside the eye ability to physically adjust to focus for near. LASIK surgery is focused on the front part of the eye - the cornea. However, if you have cataracts and are due for cataract surgery, then you would have the option to get a multifocal lens implant that can aid in near vision correction. Kindest regards, Tiffani B. Jackson, OD
Yes, there are several options for surgery to eliminate reading glasses.  The older method is to get LASIK to make one eye see up close, while the dominant eye (for most people) is corrected for distance.  This is called monovision correction.  It works very well for many people. An even better option is called Presby-LASIK - named for presbyopia, the reading vision problem that develops over age 40. Presby-LASIK corrects both eyes for perfect distance vision, while reshaping the cornea to create an increased depth of field, which creates a big improvement for close vision as well.  Presby-LASIK a wonderful option for the right candidates for the procedure; a consultation with an expert LASIK surgery specialist is required to determine if you will benefit from the procedure.  We have performed hundreds of these procedures with great results. Hopefully, you can benefit from Presby-LASIK and put those reading glasses away. Nancy A. Tanchel, M.D. Liberty Laser Eye Center
You can try PRK or LASIK with mono vision correction