Infectious Disease Specialist Questions Genital Herpes

Is this genital herpes

I peed in my friends water bottle since the bathroom was occupied and the bottle had her saliva and later found out she had hsv-2 and the day after the event, since my vagina touched the opening of the bottle where she put her lips, the day after I started having irritation , burning , and extreme itchiness and some discharge lying inside my vagina I’m concerned and hope it’s not genital herpes please help , can I potentially have gotten infected as well ?

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

This could be any one of a number of different types of infections including HSV-2. I would go to an urgent care clinic and share the info you have shared as you really need to have an exam. It is impossible to tell if this is HSV or syphilis, chlamydia or a simple yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. If you have not ever had Herpes infections before it can be quite painful. There are medications to treat all of these issues but an exam and testing will confirm.
Here are some facts for your guidance. It is important to get proper treatment so please visit your health care provider or a health unit that can assess your symptoms properly. Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection is transmitted through intimate, personal contact with infected individuals who are actively shedding the virus. HSV type 1 and type 2 can cause oral herpes (cold sores) or genital herpes (sores [red bumps and fluid-filled blisters] in your genital area), but they can also cause infections in other areas of your body. Symptoms of oral herpes include blisters on the lips or around the mouth. The skin may tingle, itch, or burn up to 48 hours before blisters appear. Symptoms of genital herpes include blisters on and around the genitals. In the 48 hours before blisters appear, symptoms include fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes, and itching or tingling in the genital area. Someone with active HSV infection has the virus shedding from the area that is infected. Usually, that is the part of their body where HSV first entered. For example, someone with genital herpes can transmit the virus through the skin, mucosa, and bodily fluids in their genital area only. They wont spread HSV through their saliva the exception, of course, is if they have oral herpes. In this case, you could get infected from contact with their mouth area. It is less common, but possible, to spread the HSV by touching an oral or genital sore or other infected areas. Although the incubation period varies from 1 to 26 days, the majority of symptoms will develop or get noticed typically 6 to 8 days after you were exposed to the virus for the first time. The only way to determine if you have been infected with HSV is to do laboratory assessments and, because the symptoms are similar to urinary tract infections (UTI), please consider having a urine test as your symptoms can be caused by a bacterial infection that can be easily treated with the right type of antibiotics.
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