Psychiatrist Questions Psychological disorders

Is trichitilomania curable?

My wife has a psychological condition called trichitilomania. Is this condition curable?

8 Answers

It's treatable with medication and behavior therapy.
It can be treated but it is difficult to cure it.
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It is treatable. Treatment starts with behavioral interventions often including cognitive behavioral therapy or habit reversal therapy. Sometimes medications can be helpful in treating this as well.
Trichitilomania is more frequent in females than in males. It is considered an impulse control disorder and may be related to hormonal changes in post-menopausal women. It is treatable with psychotherapy, behavior modification and medications. It tends to recur if only medication is used. It is advisable to seek treatment with a qualified therapist and a psychiatrist. Avoid benzodiazepines completely, as it will worse the condition in the long run. There are many factors related to this condition which tends to be chronic if not treated.
Victor M. Santiago Noa, MD, PhD 
Yes, it can be resolved through therapy and sometimes medication intervention. She needs to see a therapist first and start working on the underlying causes that lead her to compulsively pull her hair.
Yes, it is treatable, just like OCD:
Yes, it is a curable illness. She needs to start with a psychiatric evaluation to rule out any other anxiety and mood disorders.