OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Pregnancy

Issues during pregnancy

I’m about 7 months pregnant, I’ve been to the emergency room because I was throwing up large amounts of blood and couldn’t even keep down water, all they did was give me prenatal vitamins and nausea pills. They also only wrote down in the papers that I was there for vomiting during pregnancy and nothing else. Now I’ve been having issues breathing, severe pains in my stomach and my side to the point that at times I can’t even walk, pain in my back and headaches constantly. I barely have to pee even when I do go to the bathroom even though I’m drinking a lot of water and other liquids. I’m bloated and at times constipated, there is also several pain along where I had my first C-section. My whole right side is swelling badly, my arm and hand on my right side swell so badly it hurts to move them. My feet and legs are swelling as well but I am on my feet for work a lot so i assumed that was normal since it happen with my first daughter as well, but none of the other symptoms happened with my first kid.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 7 months

1 Answer

You may have pre eclampsia which is a medical emergency. Do you have OB care? call your doctor immediately or return to the ER of a hospital with excellent ob care and don't leave.