Urologist Questions Urologist

Kidney stone stent?

On June 21, 2021 I had a uterescopy done with a stent placed for a kidney stone. I have had this stone for a while and it never passed, only increased in growth. The only restriction given by my surgeon is after the surgery no strenuous activity, bathing for 24 hours, and heavy lifting. It has been 10 days and I’m feeling back to myself with slight flank pain. The stent I have is placed through my uterus to my kidneys with no strong hanging out.

My question is can I be sexually active if I’m feeling well with the stent. I haven’t been able to reach my surgeon to ask them this question.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 4 Days

4 Answers

A stent is placed through your urethra and then into your ureter (does not go through your uterus) so you can have sex after one week - if safe to do after one week.
Ask the urologist.
10 days after your stent still is a bit soon for strenuous activities. Sexual intercourse candy and at times, considered a strenuous activity. Normally, if you’re having some sort of Genito urinary procedure, there is about a six-week waiting period before the games can begin again, so to speak. You can ask your primary care physician, You might be able to contact the on-call physician because it’s the weekend and ask the question, or consider abstaining and not going backwards so you can go forwards.
Thank you for your question and I hope that I was able to be of service.
You can have intercourse with a stent, but it may be more sensitive on your bladder. You will not hurt anything. Hopefully they got your stone out and will be able to remove the stent in the next 3 to 4 days.

Dr. Niko Lailas