Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Knee pain?

I jogged two days in a row in December and the day after my last jog I had knee pain and swelling on the inner side of my knee. The swelling went down in about a week and the pain subsided for the most part, but there is still some pain if I torque my knee. My knee pops at times and it didn't use to do that before. There's no pain when that happens.

I'm able to lift weights with my legs the same as I did prior to this injury and I have a full range of motion, but there is still pain on the inner side when I torque my knee.

I figured I injured my MCL after looking up my symptoms, but most websites I visited said the injury should heal on its own in a few weeks or 2ish months if it was severe. It's been about 5 months since my injury and the remnants of it are still apparent. I'm wondering if this is something that I might have to simply live with for the rest of my life.

I thought maybe I injured my ACL as well but my knee looks the same as its counterpart. I'm able to walk and work out my legs with no issues. I haven't tried to run a considerable length on it, but I have miscellaneously jogged a short distance for one reason or another and I didn't notice any symptoms.

I'm hoping someone with knowledge can give me their opinion of what might be happening with my knee and what the outlook might be for it moving forward.

Male | 31 years old

4 Answers


I’m sorry that your knee is bothering you. A pop definitely indicates ligament or meniscal injury. If you have no pain, but are looking for something that might help, you can try prolotherapy or protein rich plasma injections. These helped to tighten and heal tissues. Unfortunately, these treatments are not covered by insurance.
You likely have a tear in your meniscus. Get evaluated, get an MRI and work with a really good physical therapist. Do everything you can before having any surgery to remove the piece. That will lead to early arthritis. PRP & stem cell injections help really well too.
It sounds like a torn medial meniscus. An MRI should help with that diagnosis.
This does not sound like an MCL sprain or tear. That would usually be associated with an actual injury such as a bad fall, an athletic injury, etc. However, the fact that it still hurts over a period of 5 months does suggest that something is wrong. This is often called "internal derangement," meaning something is going on that is not yet identified. You should have an MRI to see if you have a medial meniscus tear or articular cartilage damage. Exercise is good for your knee as well as your whole body, and will not cause you to "wear out" your knee; in fact, it helps nourish the articular cartilage. It is time to proceed with an orthopedic evaluation.

L. H. Gill