Physical Therapist Questions Knee Replacement

Knee replacement therapy

How long does it take to rehab after a knee replacement? I really need to have it done but I can't afford to take a lot of time off of work.

8 Answers

Hello, thank you for your question. Typically it takes on average 6 months. It really depends on how active and committed you are to the rehab process. Also, if your range of motion and strength are good prior to surgery, the recovery process is expedited. Depending on your job, you can return to work under modified conditions. I hope this information helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions.
The time to rehab depends on what you consider a desirable outcome. The knee gets worse before it gets better. However, in the absence of complications, you should be able to transfer in and out of bed, walk on level surfaces, and negotiate stairs within 3 weeks. You will still have some impairments in range and strength at the knee. These will preclude the
performance of some more demanding activities- sometimes for months.

Richard Bohannon
In most cases of knee replacement, it could take up to three months of therapy. In some cases, it could take up 4-6 months, but that doesn't mean that you need to be out of work all this time, it also depends on what kind of work you do. Your surgeon and therapist will both guide you when you will go back to work.
As with any injury or surgery everyone responds a little bit differently with a total knee replacement, even knee to knee is different if you get both knees done by the same doctor. In general about 3 months time before you are feeling pretty good without pain during transitional movements. For example if you are lying down to sleep with a straight knee and then get up to sit on the side of the bed to a bent position you may have some stiffness and discomfort until approximately 3 months. It will also take 6 months to a year before you feel your very best like you never had it done. As for rehab ~1.5 months on the shorter end, but could last up to 3 months depending on individual goals.
Assuming there are no complications, that depends on your overall health, your pain tolerance (knee replacement rehab will be painful) and what type of job you are going back to. But regardless, expect to be out at least a month.
depending on what kind of work you do. If you do office work, you can be back to work 4-6 weeks however you still will need to undergo physical therapy. Walking normally is usually 6-8 after surgery. It all depends on how well your body responds to the surgery.
Depends on the quality of the muscle tissue, your bone density, quality/experience of your surgeon. I tell all my TKR (total knee replacement) clients that they will be healing for up to a year. This means the scar tissue from the procedure will be maturing and the body will be getting used to a new knee. I recommend keeping your knee as long as you can still function. When you can no longer perform the daily activities you need to, then have the knee replaced.
It depends. You can go back to work after your surgeon takes off the stitches if your work is a desk work. So you can continue with physical therapy after or before work. All these can change if you have any complications. In general, you should be fine in about 3 months.