Neurologist Questions

Left side face numbness/ tingling

In the past three months I developed left side face numbness/tingling sensation. I went to the ER and my potassium was low. But, the sensation is still there and it has developed me anxiety. My left arm feels cold and tingling, I get headaches and I get dizzy. My eye gets twitchy. My neck and mouth also twitch. I had an epidural eight months ago. I don’t know if that cause a nervous system problem. I just want to find a neurologist to talk in detail about my symptoms and get my mind at ease because it’s been so long.

Female | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: Asthma/Anxiety

2 Answers

If I had to give an unswer in 1 minute i´ll first ask you 1) Have you been loosing hearing in your left ear since your symptoms begun?. 2) Anyway I strongly advised you to rush to your ENT Neuroligist or Neurosurgeon (all three are good at this) to order a RMN focused on your pontocerebellar angle to confirm or exclude an acoustic neurioma: In any case a space occuping lesion. !!
I would do MRI of brain to see if there is lesion that can be causing this. But full neuro exam from a trained Neurologist will be important as well.