Neurologist Questions

Leg pain

I have been having leg pain for 3 days now, I went to the gym on Monday and I had sore legs after which is a usual symptom so I let it go. The next day was the same but it was a little complicated to walk around. And now today I have realized it is just getting worse. It is very difficult for me to walk around or switch positions when I’m sitting or laying down. I also have a terrible tingling sensation in my legs when I am sitting down.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: Days
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

You most likely overdid it. Excessive exercise can cause lactic acid build up which can be quite painful. Try to get cherry   juice and drink an 8 to 10 ounces glass 2 to three times a day along with increasing water intake. Get L-Carnitine 500 mg tablets and take one twice a day ( you can buy those over the counter at all major stores ( Walmart) has the best price around in my area. Try sitting in a tub with Epsom salt bath and you should be feeling much better in no time at all.If you're not doing better in a couple of days then see your primary physician to get further evaluated.  Good luck.  Dr. F. Sent from AOL on Android