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Losing weight without trying?

Recently I've lost 20lbs in the last few weeks I feel fine I am diagnosed with severe depression and take 20mg of Prozac. I recently lost my grandmother a few weeks ago so that might be why I'm losing that weight. I've lost my appetite I don't have any body image issues so it's not an eating disorder. I do feel suicidal and self-harm and feel hopeless and think of hurting myself. So I like that I'm losing weight because I'm punishing my body.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: dec 29- now
Medications: prozac
Conditions: depression

7 Answers

20 lbs is a lot of weight to lose ! Nobody is a "good" loser! Prozac 20 is a moderate dose at your age. Presume your menstruation is also affected.
You need an experienced therapist to evaluate your status--both for evaluating dose of prozac and several options for intensive therapy
Good morning.

I suggest you talk about this matter with your primary care doctor and see if they can take a look at the prescriptions. I also recommend that you speak to your primary care about suicide, self-harm, and hopelessness. See if she can give you a referral.

Studies have shown that the use of the antidepressant Prozac can cause an acute loss in weight among those taking the drug to treat major depressive disorders.

Prozac can cause a small amount of weight loss. However, it is possible for people to lose a large amount of weight due to this medication.

Why do people self-harm?

To escape their feelings
To cope with life stressors
To express their pain.

I hope you have a therapist in addition to the meds you are taking. If you “like” that you are “punishing your body,” you need help from a qualified therapist. Your body is the only one you will ever have – why would you not want to care for it? It is important that you understand the answer to that question, and literally change how you think about it. Do get help finding a good therapist – you could start by asking your doctor (pediatrician?) for a referral. You could also ask another doctor you have, maybe a dermatologist, or allergist, or a nutritionist, or a physical therapist – someone you like. Or a teacher or guidance counselor in your high school. Please get some help – you have so many years to enjoy, what an opportunity you have now to make them good ones.


Dr. Marian Shapiro
I don't see a question here. I do recommend you initiate therapy for yourself because you report high level depression with self-depreciating thoughts and behaviors.
You need to see your psychiatrist immediately. 

Sorry for your loss, my sincere condolences. You are already suffering from depression and having some ongoing symptoms that seems to have become complicated with this superimposed bereavement and not having good appetite may very well be the part of your mental illness. You may want to consider some grief therapy and supportive psychotherapy. If your symptoms don’t get better, then you will need to consult your doctor to consider increasing the dose of Prozac. Hope this will help you.
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