Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Low blood pressure?

I'm 70 years old. I was in pretty good shape until I started having anxiety/panic attacks a few weeks ago. A doctor told me low blood pressure can cause anxiety attacks. My blood pressure ranges from 112 to 118 once in awhile 120 or so/ over 60 to 68. Is this low blood pressure?

When I've gone to the doctors when I was having a panic attack my blood pressure was higher due to the anxiety of the attack. The doctor said my heart was fine. Could you advise me on whether my blood pressure is low and could it be causing these anxiety/panic attacks? Maybe what to do about it?

Male | 70 years old
Complaint duration: 34 days
Medications: none
Conditions: none

1 Answer

I do not think it is related to your blood pressure.