Doctor Questions

Low ferritin level

I am a 38 year old female who is a endurance runner and have a ferritin level of 14 but normal hemoglobin and iron levels. I have been having symptoms of low ferritin, fatigue and hair loss, what supplement and how much should I take for this ferritin level to come up ?

Female | 38 years old
Complaint duration: Almost a year
Medications: Nutrafol, bupropion, prenatal multivitamin
Conditions: N/a

1 Answer

Low ferritin can be caused by a poor intake of iron, meat, kale, spinach, etc, poor absorption such as taking tums on other antacids, heavy menstrual periods or a bleeding colon polyp which is not likely at your age.
Faligue and hair loss likely due to a low thyroid or stress,(high cortisol)