Doctor Questions Doctor

Low lymphocytes?

What does it mean if you've had low lymphocytes and high neutrophils over the course of six months?

Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months

1 Answer

Neutrophils that are elevated or associated, for the most part, and a huge infective process. Lol leukocytes would mean that the cells that make your immunoglobulins are on the lower end and not responding to an acute infected process. Normally associated with a bacterial infection. I would need further information about your bloodwork your total white cell count the rest of your complete blood count and any symptoms you may have in order to fully explain those results. Speaking with your provider who ordered those tests would be best and possibly even a referral to a hematologist/oncologist in order to understand why you have abnormal complete blood count/white blood count results. As a 28-year-old female, the first thing that would come to my mind is a type of urinary tract infection. But you mention no such thing. Please speak with your provider to get an understanding as to why and keep a copy of all your results for yourself, and others that may need to know, in a file at your home so you can follow its trend. Either up, down, or normalization.
Thank you for asking me and I hope I was of assistance.

Be well,

Brent Reinheimer, MD