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Lower abdominal pain?

I sometimes have pain in my lower abdomen, below the waist, usually on the right side, just above the thigh. It happened this morning after a bowel movement.

Male | 63 years old
Complaint duration: 4 days

4 Answers

You need a history and physical exam to figure out what is going on. There are many possible causes and I need more information to venture a guess as to the etiology.
New pain in you age group should be evaluated by your PCP, including imaging study.
Your appendix is over there, but if this pain occurs after a bowel movement it could be bowel contraction, abdominal wall pain, a hernia, or even upper leg pain from muscles contracting when you push to expel the stool can be the cause. How long have you been having these pains? Any fever? Any blood in the stool? Have you ever had a colonoscopy? If it persists, see your doctor.
You may be developing a hernia. If it continues, and especially if there is a bulge in the groin, you should see a doctor