“Lower leg swollen?”
Male | 70 years old
Complaint duration: 10 days
Medications: 0

2 Answers
1. Bad blood flow in your leg (unlikely, that is a 20-year process)
2. Exposure to covid. Regardless if you had it or not. Doesn't matter.
There is a microclotting issue that is not fully understood. I saw a 40-year-old female for this same problem. She refused to go to the ER during the pandemic. I had her take 2 aspirin every 4 hrs, her paramedic friend updated me with vitals overnight. She won! No DVT! No ER! It went down after 2-3 days. Get a blood pressure monitor (someone else don't drive) to make sure. If it starts to reach 170 systolic, then have someone drive you to the ER. Once it hits 200, ambulance is the only safe way. Do the aspirin, absolutely do not do the gas pedal motion on that foot. If there is a DVT that motion will knock the clot loose. Get an ultrasound.
Traci Fritz, MD