Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Lump forming on right side of head

A girl at work asked me if I hit my head and I said no. After looking in the mirror I am noticing a hard bone lump on the right side of my forehead. It is hard as a rock as if my skull is blushing out. I have had weird headaches that come and go and have had a few episodes of abrupt nausea but it eventually goes away. Any thoughts ? Primary doctor wasn’t concerned when I brought it up. He said he couldn’t see a lump at all. In photo there is a lump forming

Female | 34 years old
Complaint duration: 3 months
Medications: None
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Schedule a visit with your primary so you can show him exactly what you are feeling and have him run some tests ( skull x-rays or CT of skull bone and soft tissue ). This will shed some light as to what it might be and lead to further testing or treatment. Good luck. Dr F. Sent from the all new AOL app for Android