Gastroenterologist Questions


I have some malabsorption/malnutrition issues for the last year and a half.Sudden weight loss after blood donation (8kilos in 3 weks),dry,pale skin,vertical nail ridges,greasy yellow stool,hair falling all over body (legs,eyebrows,pubic hair),bleeding from gums,white coating on tongue,sunken eyes...lost facial fat and fullness of my cheeks like that lipoatrophy HIV positive ppl.(I dont have HIV btw).Even my sweat is smelling on ammonia and i sweat more. So its either malnurishement or some of those issues like SIBO or fat malabsorption, or Whipple's maybe? I am HLAB27 positive.Test for celiacs blood draw tTIga, negative.
Prior to all, been eating bad food for a while, like only junk food,usually food with high calories but without nutritional value + Ive been donating blood every 3 months.Is it possible that i got my body to the point of malnutrition? I even got iron def.anemia, dark circles around eyes, but we corrected that with iron pills. Anyway, are those malnutrition symptoms? And, could malnutrition cause elevated cholest.and triglyceride levels? Maybe from constant weight loss body is burning stored fat and regards to that i now have constantly elevated lipids?

Male | 36 years old
Complaint duration: year and a half

1 Answer

It could be malnutrition but it could also be a stress response to an inflammatory condition. For iron deficiency, from a GI standpoint, this warrants EGD and colonoscopy.