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Medical question?

So I have been having some back pain and it hurts bad kinda sharp and achy, uncomfortable pain. Also, I have a question regarding breathing as well.

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 1-2 weeks
Conditions: Pain is bout 8

2 Answers

If the pain is in the upper back between the shoulder blades, that increases upon deep breathing, sharp with cough or sneeze, and can sometimes radiate to the chest. It is most likely anterior displaced vertebra in the spine. Anterior means they have displaced forward. The ribs attach to them at two different articulations on both sides of the spine. When this happens, the rib heads become bound and cannot move freely, especially when breathing. The intercostal nerves that course between the ribs also become irritated. If I have described your problem, it is an easy fix for a chiropractor.

Yours in health,

Doc J
If your back pain is in the middle or upper back, it may affect your breathing. When you write back in, be very specific about where the pain is what position or movement makes it better or worse, like taking a deep breath and or twisting.