General Practitioner Questions ADHD


My daughter (8) just got diagnosed with adhd but has a heart murmur, asthma, allergies and eczema. Will melatonin effect her badly due to all her conditions.

Female | 30 years old

2 Answers

Can try as it is natural sleep hormone
Melatonin for an 8 year old? Sounds like overkill. If she has a hard time sleeping, you should see a child psychologist, not drug her. If your doctor recommends Melatonin, there would be no deleterious effects on her condition. The heart murmur must be properly diagnosed, it that is not already clear.

Yours truly,
Dr. Richard Evan (Rick) Steele
Senior House Officer, MD, MPH, PDC, BCSPHM
Tyttebaervej 26, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
Mobile phone/WhatsApp: +45 2216 1923